Essay, Research Paper: Masque Of Red Death By Poe

Literature: Edgar Allan Poe

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In "The Masque of the Red Death", Poe leads one event into another
often. He uses much symbolism, and in the paragraphs below, I will show you it.
In the first couple of paragraphs however, I will summarize the plot and state
the theme. In this plot, Poe begins by talking about the Red Death, basically
setting the stage for later events in the story. Then, he talks about Prince
Prospero, which tells the reader that Prospero and the Red Death will have a
conflict later in the story. Next, Poe gives a short summary of the setting, and
also mentions that the "Red Death" was not there. After this, Poe
gives a description of the rooms. The first room had blue ornaments and windows.
Poe then makes each room darker until he gets to the seventh, which is black.
This shows that death is coming to Prospero. Also, in the seventh room, the
windows are blood red, which also shows that the "Red Death" is
coming. Also, the ebony clock keeps on ticking, which is slowly setting up the
conflict, Prince Prospero vs. "The Red Death." Also, the color of the
wood is also symbolic. Ebony is black, so again death is symbolized. At the end,
or conclusion, the clock strikes 12, and "The Red Death" makes its
appearance, and kills Prospero. In the plot, I believe that the talking about
the Red Death and Prospero is the introduction, because it introduced the two
big influences in the story. I also think that the descriptions of the rooms is
the rising action, because it gives the setting for the conflict. The conflict
is Prospero trying to avoid the Red Death, which is man vs. nature. The falling
action in the story is when Prospero is caught by the Red Death, and the
conclusion is that he is dead. The theme of the story is that you cannot escape
death no matter how hard you try. In the story, Prospero tried to escape it, and
look what happened. In other words, don't try to run away from death, you're
only delaying the inevitable. In the story, the irony was that the man's name
was Prince Prospero. His last name sounds like "prosperous," which
means to achieve success. The fact that Prospero dies shows that he is not
prosperous as his name suggests; he is in fact unlucky.
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